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Online room

Qik Office's Online Rooms provide a seamless, real-time collaboration experience that enables effortless communication with clients, vendors, and team members—no matter where they are. With just a click, you can quickly switch between multiple rooms and instantly connect with anyone, anywhere.

Key features

1. Real-time collaboration

Effortlessly collaborate with clients, vendors, and teammates in real-time, regardless of location.

2. Multi-room switching

Instantly move between multiple meeting rooms with a single click, optimizing your workflow.

3. Seamless connectivity

Connect with anyone at any time—whether they are across the globe or in the next room.

4. Ease of use

Designed for simplicity, Qik Office ensures that joining or creating meetings is fast and intuitive for everyone.


  • No Technical Hassles: Set up and join meetings in seconds.
  • Efficient Workflow: Switch between different rooms without disruptions.
  • Increased Productivity: Real-time communication boosts efficiency in decision-making and collaboration.

How to create an online room?

Method 1

  1. In your workspace and click on the "New meeting room" icon. create-room

  2. On the "New room" page, enter a name for your meeting room. name

  3. Personalize your meeting room by selecting a suitable color. Once done, click on "Create." room-colour

  4. Your online room has been successfully created and is ready for use.

Method 2

  1. Click the "Create" and select "Meeting room." creation-of-room

  2. On the "New Room" page, provide a name for your meeting room. name-of-room

  3. Add users to the room by selecting from the list or entering their email addresses.Assign appropriate roles to each users (e.g., user, editor, owner) users-to-room

  4. If you need to schedule a meeting, click "Add schedule." room-schedule

  5. Your online room is successfully created. room-done

Meeting room color

You can customize your meeting room's color based on your preference.