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How to hide, lock and protect meetings?

In Qik Office, protecting your meeting minutes has never been easier. With options to hide meeting minutes from general view, ensuring that only authorized users can locate and access them. For an added layer of security, you can lock the minutes to prevent unauthorized edits or changes. Additionally, you can set a password to restrict access further, ensuring that only those with permission can review the details.

How to hide meetings?

  1. From your meeting room dashboard, select the "Meetings" option to view the list of meetings. meetings-meetings

  2. Click on the menu icon (three horizontal dots) located next to the meeting you wish to hide. horizontal-menu

  3. From the dropdown menu, select "Hide meeting". meetings-hide

  4. A confirmation prompt will appear. Click "Ok" to hide the meeting minutes. confirm hide

  5. The meeting will no longer be visible in the main list. meeting-hidden

How to view hidden meetings?

  1. From your meeting room dashboard, select the "Meetings" option to view the list of meetings. meetings-meetings

  2. Click on the menu icon (three vertical dots) located at the top-right corner of the screen, and select "Show hidden meetings" from the dropdown menu. menu-unhide

  3. The list will now include all hidden meetings. ![meeting-visible(2)](./assets/meeting-visible (2).png)

  4. Locate the meeting you want to unhide, then click on the menu icon (three horizontal dots) next to it and select "Unhide Meeting." menu-unhide

  5. A confirmation prompt will appear. Click "Show" to confirm and unhide the meeting. confirm-unhide

  6. The meeting will now be permanently unhidden and visible in the main meetings list. meeting-visible


Only owners will be able to hide and unhide meetings.