Create to-dos
How to create a to-do?
Select "to-dos" from the meeting room or one-on-one.
Start putting up your to-do task.
To add more, click on the "add" button.
You can view schedule in the to-dos calendar.
- Create To-dos
- View To-dos
- Chat in To-dos
- List your To-dos
- Convert chat to To-dos
How to set a to-dos?
Go to "to-dos."
Click "create to-dos."
Select the room to assign to-dos.
List the To-dos and assign them to users.
To-dos are now assigned.
How to view to-dos?
Navigate to the panel and select "to-dos".
Your list of to-dos will appear in the meeting app.
You can now add, edit, or complete tasks as needed.
How to chat in to-dos?
Navigate to the panel and select "to-dos".
Select the specific to-do item you want to discuss, then click on the chat icon.
This will open a chat window where you can discuss the to-do with others.
How to list to-dos?
Select "to-dos" from the meeting room menu.
Click on "Create List" to add new to-dos.
Your to-dos are now listed. You can now edit, complete, or delete tasks as needed.
How to convert chat to to-dos?
Select "chat" from the meeting room menu.
Click on the "menu".
Select "to-do".
Chat is converted into to-do.